Topic: tech juniper ijos prev next
tech juniper ijos > 06: Initial Configuration
The hostname on a new Juniper device is ‘amnesiac’. The root user has no password by default. The password must be set before activating any changes to the factory default configuration (must it?).
set system root-authentication plain-text-password
edit system root-authentication
set plain-text-password
set system time-zone
run set date
EX series switches enable RSTP and LLDP by default. Other product families do not.
Overload the candidate configuration with the factory configuration. Set a root password and then commit the configuration.
load factory-default
Gracefully shut down.
request system halt ?
at, in, media, message
For routers, halt both-routing-engines. For switches, halt all-members.
Amnesiac (ttyu0)
login: root
root@% cli (start the Junos CLI from the Unix prompt)
root> configure
root# show
<system configuration>
Save the active configuration as the rescue configuration.
request system configuration rescue save
Delete the rescue configuration.
request system configuration rescue delete
Delete part of the configuration.
delete system services
Rollback to the rescue configuration. This still needs to be committed.
rollback rescure
Example: ge-0/2/3
lo0, ae, as, vlan, irb, gre, mtun, ipip, tap
Physical Properties are defined on the physical interface. Logical units are like subinterfaces. Logical properties are defined on the logical unit
Logical properties:
A logical interface is always required. A logical interface can have multiple addressess. When two addressess are on the same subet, one can be ‘preferred’ to be used as the source address. ‘primary’ is the default for broadcast and multicast. By default, the lowest address is ‘primary’.
set family inet address
rename family inet address to
show interfaces terse
show interfaces ge-0/0/2 terse
load override /var/home/lab/...
commit and-quit
edit interfaces
set ge-0/0/4 vlan-tagging
set ge-0/0/4 unit 300 vlan-id 300 family inet address
set ge-0/0/4 unit 300 description "test"
commit and-quit