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tech juniper jaut > Junos Platform Automation and DevOps (JAUT)

Junos Platform Automation and DevOps (JAUT)

Module 14: OpenConfig

An informal working group of network operators moving towards a programmable infrastructure by adopting SDN principles.

OpenConfig develops vendor-neutral data models, uses declarative configuration, models only commonly deployed features, and provides streaming telemetry.

Examples of OpenConfig models supported in Junos are BGP, Interfaces, LACP, LLDP, MPLS, Telemetry. It is possible for organisations to bring their own data models for these elements, and to use YANG models and translation scripts on the device to translate into the Juniper model.

The OpenConfig package includees YANG models, translation scripts developed by Juniper, a deviation module, an augmentation module, and dynamic rendering files. The Junos OS image includes the OpenConfig package.

By default, the OpenConfig schema is not available. Unhide it using;

set system schema openconfig unhide

Use ‘set openconfig-?’ to see all the options.


BGP can be configured using OpenConfig. Because the translation from OpenConfig statements to Juniper statements forms a transient change, the final Juniper configuration is not visible. Instead, use ‘show openconfig-bgp:bgp’ to see the active BGP configuration. ‘show | display translation-scripts translated-config’ shows the Juniper configuration.


pyang’ visualises and validates YANG modules.

pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path=/bgp/neighbors


A modern alternative to SNMP for device status is to have devices push telemetry to a server. Telemetry messages are exchanged as gRPC.