travel > Glaramara
A sunny and hot walk to Glaramara
This was my last full day in the Lake District. I was staying at Seatoller Farm campsite, next to the village of Seatoller at the foot of the Honister Pass. The target for today was Glaramara, at 780 metres, the highest peak of the trip. The footpath from Seatoller farm is easy to follow. There’s a well signposted shortcut along a permissive path through Thorneythwaite Farm, then it’s a short walk along the road away from Seatoller and a signposted footpath from the road all the way to the summit.
It may say two miles, but walking uphill it feels like more…
Again, the weather was excellent (something of a theme for this trip) and there were splendid views all the way to the summit.
Not far from the summit, I saw a helicopter land on one of the mountains opposite me, near to Honister. This looked like a mountain rescue team, hopefully it was a training mission and nobody was in trouble.
A little further on, I was surprised to find a little tarn, one of a few near the summit.
The small tarn above, next to a few more.
And then the summit and the spectacular views of Derwent Water and Skirrid.