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travel > Daniel Lismore

Art exhibition at The Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry

I made several visits to the exhibition “Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken” by Daniel Lismore at The Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry. There are sixty sculptures by the artist, who describes himself as a ‘living artwork’. In total, I have about two hundred photographs of the exhibition, so they have been whittled down based on “colour, texture, and shape” (TED talk), which is how Daniel Lismore creates his artwork.

The first gallery is full of sculptures predominantly in black and white, against a stunning, flourescent backdrop.

Flourescent gallery

The next gallery is dedicated to Daniel Lismore’s activism, though the image I’ve chosen is just for its aesthetic quality, and features five top hats stacked one on top of the other.

Top Hats

Into the next gallery, and a very political piece; Daniel Lismore’s tribute to the death of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump

In the same gallery, a new piece created for this exhibition; the Prime Minister, a political comment on the current prime minister’s policies.

The Prime Minister

This piece, the Geisha, is just one that shows how Lismore takes influences from all over the World.


The final gallery takes on yet another atmosphere. The sculptures in this gallery contain a lot of metal jewellery, which makes a variety of sounds while moving. To express this, the gallery contains a soundtrack made of recordings from the scultpures in motion. This particular sculpture was worn by Daniel Lismore on his visit to Parliament, making him the first person to wear armour to Parliament since it was banned by Oliver Cromwell. This is my favourite piece in the exhibition, for its aesthetic quality, as well as the fun political statement.
