travel > Place Fell
A walk up Place Fell
I travelled to the Lake District, to stay for a few days at YHA Patterdale. On this day, I walked from the hostel up to Boredale Hause, and thence to Place Fell, 657m. I completed this hike before, in 2019, but in slightly less favourable weather. The weather for this whole week in September 2023 was much hotter than usual for September, being considerably warmer than August.
Here is the route up to Place Fell, with the triangulation point that marks the summit in the distance.
Looking out towards Ullswater, which extends all the way from the distance, to the foot of Place Fell on my left.
On the way back down, I stopped near Boredale Hause. Here is the view, looking down the valley between Place Fell and Beda Head.